Have you ever seen this man in your dreams?

by Arda Turan Avşar

You probably think “This guy is so ugly why should I see him in my dreams?” Yes, this man is so ugly but some people saw him in their dreams in 2008 and this guy has got a website although he isn’t a real man. The website's name is “Ever Dream This Man” the website owner's name is Andrea Natella. Let me talk about this guy's story. 

In 2006, in New York there was a famous psychiatrist. This psychiatrist had a patient and the patient had a complaint. The complaint was: “ In my dreams I see a man but I don't recognize him, I don't know him, he is in my dreams and nightmares.” Then he drew the sketch of a man you see above. A few days later another patient came to the clinic and  he saw this drawing and he said “I recognize him but I don't know who he is.” The psychiatrist showed that drawing to his patients and all of them recognized this ugly face. The psychiatrist called professionals and he asked their thoughts. Since that day a lot of people in capital cities recognize this man. The number of these people is around 8.000. This is too many and this number has increased since the website opened. We understand that this man appeared in a lot of people's dream but what he is he doing in their dreams or nightmares? There are a lot of anonymous stories around this incident.  The most common story is when this guy appeared in their dreams the guy raped them or killed them. This is disgusting, I know but this is the story.  However, I don't believe this story because it is clear that this story is made up because of the ugliness of this guy.  He is ugly but I don't think this guy is a criminal. This is the story about the Guy. Thank you for reading! 
