How to make horror movies scarier


Yusuf Gür

Hi! Today I am going to talk about horror movies.

I've watched a lot of horror movies and I realised something. In some movies, directors usually use our reactions to scare us. For example, loud sounds like scream or sudden voice effects. Actually, they are not scary for some people like me. Because you can guess the scene before you watch. OK, maybe it is scary but simple. The horror movies can be more scary if they use psychological techniques to scare
people. In other words, they should use the things which is disgusting for the people. Like blood or gore. They are not for all people but it is better than simple methods. Sudden voices that we hear in scary movies are transient. We get scared and it takes only 5 seconds. But if you watch a psychologically terrifying scene which I have spoken about, you will be scared and it will take 10 minutes to forgot it. Maybe more than that.

I hope you have understood what I mean. Jump scares or loud voices are not a good method to scare people.

If you want to watch some movies, I can suggest you a lot of good movies. Keep healthy, Bye!
