

Bojack Horseman

  by Arda Turan Bojack Horseman a nice series about real life. This show looks like a cartoon but is not. The story is too deep for a cartoon. This show has got 77 episodes and in this show there are a lot celebrities, for example the main character Bojack played by Will Arnot and Bojacks best friend Todd is played by Aaron Paul and the director is Raphael Bob Waksberg. The story line is too long but I’m going to tell you. First of all our main character is Bojack. Bojack is a famous sitcom actor of Horsin’ Around. Bojack is a derisive horse. At the beginning of his career everyone thought he will be the young TV star but things didn’t happen that way. Because he wanted appreciated from everybody but this suggestion make him lonely, narcissist and alcholic. This attitude made him lose his wife Coreline, his best friend Todd, his old friends, his love and a lot of people like them. After this things Bojack tried to hold on his life but he was become the thing he scared. He was becam...

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